The demands on the various grassed areas (greens, tees, fairways, rough) are such that care and maintenance have top priority.
In order to effectively plan routine measures, course maintenance and regenerative work, not only is expert knowledge required regarding the characteristics and demands of various grass species and their interaction with the soil and the weather conditions, but also regarding the causes of damage, the influence of individual care measures and the effects of golfing activities. In addition to this comes the maintenance of the obstacles (for example bunkers) and the practice facilities (for example the driving range).
Biotope care and development is becoming increasingly important in view of the location of the golf course. Alongside economic and ecological considerations, care management is dependent on vegetation conditions, golfing requirements and the quality of the structure of the golf course itself. Since all factors are subject to constant and often rapid change, quick access to accurate information is of vital importance to the greenkeepers.
The internet plays a valuable part as a source of information and along with e-mail communication forms a part of professional course maintenance which can no longer be missed.
Source: German Golf Association
Etiquette and golf course care
Please respect and observe golf course etiquette!
- Divots (pieces of turf cut out of the ground by a golf club) should always be replaced.
- Marks and footprints in the bunker should be levelled
- Pitch marks should be removed.